JPP: The Java Pre-Processor


The Java Pre-Processor, or JPP for short, is a parsing preprocessor for the Java programming language. Unlike its namesake (the C/C++ Pre-Processor, cpp), JPP provides functionality above and beyond simple textual substitution. JPP's capabilities include code beautification, code standard conformance checking, class and interface specification and testing, and documentation generation.


The Java Pre-Processor, referred to as JPP henceforth, is a parsing preprocessor for the Java 1.X programming language. This document will describe the design, development, and use of JPP.

JPP is primarily used as either a front-end for a Java compiler like javac, espresso, or guavac, or as a verification and validation tool as part of a configuration management system. We will describe both possibilities here as well as provide a number of examples of innovative alternative uses.

The default JPP configuration corresponds to the Infospheres Java Coding Standard (this document). Any questions as to the details of code standards, layout, beautification, and verification are addressed in that document. This document only focuses on the tool JPP.

All aspects of JPP are user configurable. Configuration is accomplished through the use of Java properties and command-line switches.

Briefly, JPP provides the following functionality:

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Last modified: Sun Jun 10 03:18:48 PDT 2001